RiverStone is pleased to welcome new staff to our team!
Craig Mann joined the RiverStone team in 2017 and has over 15 years of experience in conducting inventories, interpretation and management of the natural environment. This experience has led to a strong understanding of ecological principles and approaches. Through a broad range of education and work experiences that includes development and transportation projects, Craig has performed a diverse range of data collection tasks that include vegetation inventories, wildlife and species at risk surveys, habitat mapping, wetland delineations and fish habitat assessments. Craig is certified in Southern Ontario Ecological Land Classification (ELC), Provincial ELC, Ontario Wetland Evaluation Systems (OWES), and is also an ISA-certified Arborist.
Joel Gauthier also joined the RiverStone team in January 2018 and brings a history of environmental volunteerism to his role in our graphics department producing imaging for reports. Joel never turns down an opportunity to assist with background data collection, and field outings! He has experience in large and small-scale development projects, including aggregate resources, throughout Ontario. He has assisted with natural environment applications for aggregate licenses and extensions. His diverse skill set includes: Species at Risk surveys and monitoring, identification of significant wildlife habitat, fisheries assessments, wildlife habitat mapping, tree inventories and wetland monitoring.
Will Barbour joined the RiverStone team in spring 2018 and brings 9 years of academic training and 5 years of applied training to his role as an ecologist. Will’s expertise is in the management of cumulative effects on ecosystems with experience in mitigation reporting ranging from large energy infrastructure projects to small scale developments. He is an ISA Certified Arborist in addition to Ecological Land Classification (ELC) and Ontario Wetland Evaluation (OWES). Will is experienced in completing botanical inventories, tree inventories, vegetation mapping, breeding bird surveys, wetland delineations, anuran call surveys, fish habitat assessments, and developing mitigation/restoration plans.
Jenn LeMesurier just recently joined the team in the spring of 2019 as an ecologist. Jenn has a background in environmental education and land conservation as well as training in project management and communications. She has experience with collecting and compiling field data and writing property management plans and working on shoreline restoration projects. As a conservation land manager, Jenn has also monitored for invasive species and worked to protect habitat for species at risk. She specializes in outdoor education, land stewardship, botanical inventories and wildlife surveys.
Welcome to Craig, Joel, Will and Jenn!