WE'RE HIRING! Click below for current employment opportunities:

GIS and Wildlife Field TechnicianTerrestrial Ecologist
We are natural environment consultants, experienced in assessing the significance of landscape features, including but not limited to lakes, watercourses, wetlands, grasslands, and forests. We provide a wide range of ecological consulting services for public and private sector clients. Our primary goal is to evaluate and manage environmental risk to achieve practical solutions.

Environmental Planning & Development

RiverStone understands the increasing emphasis placed on protecting the natural environment. Our staff are experienced in reviewing projects in the context of the ever evolving environmental policy and legislation that govern land use change and direct development in a sustainable way. Click for more information on Environmental Planning & Development in Ontario.

Water Quality, Ecological & Construction Monitoring

Proper study design by appropriately qualified personnel is essential in environmental research and ecological or construction monitoring programs. RiverStone has extensive experience designing both detailed research studies and more simplified construction monitoring programs. No matter what the scale our studies are designed to be practical and defensible, ranging from small, volunteer-based research projects to detailed studies of water chemistry, benthic invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and breeding birds. Click for more information concerning Ontario Water Quality and Ecological Monitoring

Natural Heritage Evaluation & Environmental Assessment

Ecological consultants are often among the first professionals to assess a property prior to development. RiverStone has a comprehensive understanding of the environmental data that is required and the policy and legislative elements that are critical to the success of a project. Click for more information on Natural Heritage Evaluation & Assessment

Scientific Expertise & Education

RiverStone’s ecologists have a diverse range of academic and applied skills. We remain current by following recent scientific literature and environmental legislation. Our ecologists have a comprehensive knowledge base for provision of peer-review services and expert testimony at Ontario Municipal Board hearings. We provide specialized expertise relating to Ontario’s Species and Risk and value any opportunity to provide education based services. Click here for more information on Scientific Expertise & Education

The RiverStone Corner Garden

Watch our video below to learn about the RiverStone Corner Garden. The Corner Garden showcases what can be done with low-impact design and native plant species. Stop by the garden any time and take a walk through!

About the native plant species
 in RiverStone Corner Garden

We are joined by T.J. from Northway Gardens & Landscapes who is chatting about the native plants that 
have been used in the RiverStone Corner Garden.


RiverStone Environmental is leading the way in delivering a diverse range of services, knowledge, and insight to clients across core sectors.
Learn more about our environmental servies and impact studies.


At RiverStone Environmental Solutions, we are committed to helping our clients attain their goals while ensuring protection for the natural environment. Our ecological consulting services have provided cost-effective and viable resolutions for public and private sector customers throughout Ontario. The following case studies illustrate how we have worked with our clients to analyze their challenges and assist them in creating a plan that realizes their objectives.


At RiverStone, we strive to provide our clients with the means to achieve their objectives, while ensuring the appropriate protection of the natural environment. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality professional services in a cost-effective manner. Our solutions are defendable from both planning and natural heritage perspectives. We are committed to creating a productive and progressive work atmosphere that encourages novel thinking and alternative environmental and planning solutions.



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February 12, 2021
Winter Fieldwork for White-tailed Deer!

While much of the fieldwork ecologists do to study and evaluate the natural environment at RiverStone is achieved during the spring, summer, and fall, there are certain studies that require winter conditions! The most common winter study we are asked to conduct is an assessment for White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) wintering habitat. Many of the […]

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January 13, 2021
MNRF Forest Health Update in Ontario

I recently listened in on a webinar that was released by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) on the annual update of forest health monitoring in Ontario. The presentation was made by Dan Rowlinson who works in the Biodiversity and Monitoring Section of the MNRF. The MNRF conducts regular annual monitoring throughout the […]

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December 15, 2020
RiverStone welcome's a new Ecologist...and opens an office in North Bay!

RiverStone is excited to have a new ecologist join our team - a very warm welcome to Lisa Uskov who brings over 7 years of experience as an ecological consultant for both agency and private clients. Lisa specializes in habitat assessments using provincial criteria including Ecological Land Classification and the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System. RiverStone […]

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September 27, 2020
Woolly Bear Caterpillars and Winter Weather Predictions?

This past week I was spending most of my free time harvesting the last of the vegetable garden with my son, and he was pointing out all kinds of things we were finding in our yard. One of those, was a woolly caterpillar. I caught him picking dandelion greens and taking them to various woolly […]

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August 31, 2020
Turtle hatching season - worth the wait!

I was recently at a neighbour's house admiring their garden (and picking a few fresh veggies for dinner) when she shared with me an amazing feat of nature she witnessed that very morning. She had the opportunity to WATCH a nest of turtle eggs hatch, right before her eyes! Let's talk turtles and how incredible […]

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July 30, 2020
Beech Bark Disease

One of the many iconic forest trees in Central Ontario is the American Beech (Fagus americana). This tree is most well known for it's smooth grey bark with a broad crown. Beech trees are easily identified in all seasons due to their smooth bark which some people refer to as "elephant legs" in the forest. […]

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Copyright 2020 RiverStone Environmental Solutions Inc.